Are Lab Grown Diamonds Appropriate For An Engagement Ring?

Diamond Rings
Diamond Rings
Lab Grown Diamonds
Lab Grown Diamonds

An engagement ring represents the everlasting bond of love between spouses. This is the major reason why many choose diamonds – the symbol of eternal love- as center stones for this precious piece of jewelry.

The recent popularity of diamond jewelry made with lab grown diamonds has sparked a debate on whether or not these are appropriate to be used in engagement rings. While some are strong advocates of using lab made diamonds in rings due to their ethical sourcing and cost-effectiveness, others are staunch supporters of the value attributed to natural diamonds due to their rarity. Let us take a look at some deciding factors in the choice of lab made or natural diamonds in precious jewelry.

The Ethical Aspect Of Diamond Sourcing

Natural diamonds are mined from deep down the earth’s surface using complicated machinery and a lot of manpower. The environmental footprint of mining is quite large and is often measured in terms of the damage caused to the ecosystem surrounding the mines as well as the irreversible damage and pollution caused to the environment due to the mining techniques. In addition to mining, the breaking of ores and sorting of stones also require huge manpower and long working hours. The humanitarian aspect of using manpower to work under less-than-desirable conditions is yet another factor that contributes to the negative impacts of natural diamond mining.

Lab made diamonds are grown in laboratory conditions that are ideal for the formation of good-quality stones. The technology used is quite advanced and sustainable, with a negligible carbon footprint. The manpower used is limited, including trained experts who work in ideal conditions to create excellent-quality diamonds from start to finish. Therefore, people who are particular about sourcing goods in an ethical way might choose to go with lab created diamonds that are of excellent quality, instead of natural diamonds.

The Economic Aspect Of Diamond Purchase

Diamond Jewelry
Diamond Jewelry

People who are less sentimental about the rarity of their stone or their sourcing may sometimes be smart buyers who go with pocket friendly options that do not compromise on quality. Lab made diamonds are a suitable option for such buyers who can purchase excellent quality stones with performance that matches that of natural diamonds, at a 50% or 60% reduced cost.

Lab grown diamonds are an excellent choice for engagement rings or any diamond studded jewelry for that matter. The steadily increasing popularity of good quality lab made diamonds is a testimonial to their versatility.

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